Live streaming becoming more professional Due to competition, huge number of live streaming platforms, the crackdown of a lot of accounts for inappropriate content, and the urge for users to find some really interesting contents, 2017 meant, for live streaming in China, the rise of more professional contents with creation of more formal live stream shows similar to live TV programs. Big brands mainly use live streaming in China to create brand awareness and interact with their target audience.
The increase of 小红书 (Little red book) In 2017 the social shopping APP focus on fashion and beauty "Little red book" reached 1473650000 monthly active, increasing the users number of 14.84%. The majority of the consumers are females 24-40 years old. From the consumption level point of view "Little red book" has now 29.38% of big spenders (growing 16.91% compared to last year), medium spenders 23.05% (decreasing 19.71% from 2016) and medium low spenders 36.49% (growth of 5.31% from last year). Very well known as e-commerce cross border platform, "Little red book" still receive complains from the users about items labeled as "fake". The team of "Little red book" is setting up new rules for the social shopping APP to avoid those problems in the future.
Wechat and Weibo 2017 reports The key points of Wechat: Monthly active users growth of 15.8%. 797 million monthly active official account users/subscribers, with a growth of 19% Total monthly social payment transactions increase of 23% The key points of Weibo: Monthly active users 376 million, growth of 92% Total video views on Weibo growth of 175%. The number of users whose content has monthly views of more than 10 million is growth of 79% (Weibo is continuing to strength the Verified account, including the creationg of a new exclusive kind of Verifired account) Growth in revenue from brand advertisements reached 70%.
To take a look at the whole Wechat report check out our previous article,
The Big bad-ass list of WeChat official accounts
According to to the Qing Bo index data statistics published by China Business Intelligence Network News, here the list of the top 10 WeChat official account (datas of September 2017):
If you are not familiar with chinese here the list in pinyin or english (if a translation was possible):
People's Daily (rmrbwx), CCTV News (cctvnewscenter), Xinhua News Agency (xinhuashefabu1), cold rabbit (lengtoo), CCTV Finance (cctvyscj), cold Lengxiaohua2012, people_rmw, zhanhao668, lengiii and duhaoshu.
The Top 100 APP of 2017
Let's take a look at the best 100 APP in China at the end of 2017. Click on the 2 images to see the whole list.
Out: Fake KOL All over the world is easy right now to buy likes, views and comments for Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. (About this specific worldwide problem we will write a post next week).
In China, it's easy too, and it’s no secret that interactions and comments for Weibo are for sale on e-commerce websites like Taobao or like and views for WeChat.
Very (and REAL) big Kol and celebrities have a big impact in their followers, their fans will often buy a product their idol has endorsed, but it's important to understand how to choose them. Last September, WeChat exposed detailed and verified data on some popular official accounts. Check out this chart to understand better the problem. First column is the name of the KOL, Second is the ID of the account, fourth column is the number of views on the 28 of September, third column is the number of views the week before.
For WeChat, mapping out historical data such as engagement and recent follower activity brands can evaluate and predict the real ROI for each KOL. For Weibo it's even faster to find out how fake followers and communication there are in an account. The majority of the fake accounts has no picture or a bad quality one, not a customized name but the Weibo pre-set one, few followers and a lot of following, few or no Weibo posts.
In: Micro-KOL Starting from the Dunbar's number concept (Dunbar's number is a suggested cognitive limit to the number of people with whom one can maintain stable social relationships—relationships in which an individual knows who each person is and how each person relates to every other person- WIKIPEDIA) you bring this concept to the social networks, in terms of "close relationships convert better". Brands can expand their influencer campaigns through thousands of micro-influencers, they are generally very knowledgeable about the products they promote and they are more credible to those who read their posts because their followers are fewer than a big KOL. Research from social scientists and an analysis of ROI on completed campaigns in China shows that brands can get a better ROI by including also micro-influencers in their campaigns.