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New originals and useful APPs in China you don't know they exist

In China the market is now flooded with such a variety of apps (some of them pretty eccentric) that is almost impossible to have all of them or to know that some of them even exist. Some applications are already here, but they are just not so famous or they are still in beta testing, so if you are not lukcy enough to be one of the tester, you need to wait a little bit longer to get them. Today we discover 5 free new APP for you.


1) The creator of the APP is a young french guy of 20 years old, Pierre Terroitin, still going to school, that, at some point of his life, thought to create everything that a new comer, a tourist or a friend that is visiting really need.

How did you come up with the idea of this APP?

"I came in China a few time and went a lot to fake market each time - said Pierre - I had a really nice time bargaining and finding some cheap souvenirs I could offer to my friends. I noticed that some foreigners and some of my friends just arriving would spend some huge amount of money in fake markets since they had no experience of bargaining and no idea of the right price. That's when I decided I would create a tool to help people not being ripped off in fake and try to make them enjoy their time there. It took me a lot of time of visiting different markets, searching and asking for the best price of each item".

The application contain :

- A detailed price list of what you should pay in the market.

- A tool to convert RMB into your currency.

- Some basics bargaining vocabulary words prounounced by real natives (thanks to Wang Miaojie).

- All the informations you need to go to Shanghai fake markets.

- Some advices to avoid getting ripped off

The application is available just in Android.

Will the APP be available on IOS in the near future?

"No, I have no skill in IOS device, but if an IOS developer is interesting in doing it he can contact me and I will help him and give him my work, I won't ask any copyright on the APP".

So for all the IOS developers here Pierre's email address:

Here the link to download the APP:


2) This is a social fashion platform that allows users to actively make and engage in new social connections with other users, stylists / consultants, and celebrities, access current fashion news and blogs for tips and inspirations, hire in-app stylists / consultants for expert advice and shopping assistance, and engage in fun in-app fashion contests. Its genuine purpose is to help individuals become more stylish, fashionable, and self-confident.

How did you come up with the idea of this APP?

"In 2007, I had an idea to create a fashion app - explain Todd Okimoto, CEO of the APP company WECARE- to help females make better decisions regarding wear, purchase, and style decisions by improving the quality of feedback. In September 2014, I placed 2nd in an invention competition sponsored by British Technologies. It was through these experiences that I realized that the idea had some merit, which started me down the path of forming a team, developing the product, and acquiring interested and qualified partners. I was intent on making a genuine social platform focused on helping individuals, not one merely focused on pushing products to users".

The application contain :

***Fashion Inspirations***

  1. Fashion blogs and news

  2. Check out trending and hot daily items

  3. Visit other user closets, check out ratings and comments, make new social connections and friends

***Fashion Advice***

  1. Virtual closet organizer, check out ratings and messages from other users

  2. Solicit ratings and advice from friends, fashion pros, upcoming celebrities

  3. Monitor Fashion Rank among different worlds

***Fashion Stardom & Rewards***

  1. Participate in LAWO fashion contests and win prizes

  2. Potential invitation to become a LAWO fashion advisor to start your own business, promote your brand, engage in retail partnerships

  3. Receive retailer e-coupons for stylist / consultation discounts


3) This application is a revolution in the dating world. Forget about Tinder, about "I like" and "I don't" and about the problem of the VPN. The taiwanese 朱致伟 created a dating APP that mix together the Tinder concept plus the gaming one.

How did you come up with the idea of this APP?

"People are so hungry to meet others - explain the developer and Cofounder of the company- yet so shy to do so. So we have to give them a platform to do it".

How does it work? To better match with the girl or guy of your dreams, the app will encourage entering contests and playing games so that there is a cool experience to discuss plus money prizes. "Some games - said 朱致伟 - will be related to puppies for example, to help you choose your match. They will have to comment together based on what they see. In every culture, as you can see with kids playing , people connect when there is a common fun event or game". Mmmmhhh Which kind of contest will those be? Yudaoni will be in beta test for Android at the end of March and available at the end of April (while the IOS version released just at the end of May) so we got just some sneak peek about the APP but not "the whole package" and also few preview pictures. The App will be available in Chinese and English languages and in all China, it will be free to register but there will be a fee for membership and other privileges. While we will wait for some more information the official Wechat account id of this APP is YUDAONI. You can check here the future updates and exact date of release.


4) Talking about dating APP here another one, really original. When Tinder mesh up with Meet up. Double date is a chinese dating app for double dates which makes dating more fun, less awkward and safer. Looking at the name can be similar to Tinder or to the American APP Double dating, but, it's not. While in both dating application you find a person or a pairs nearby that you can anonymously like or dislike, the chinese application is more a fun application to find other pairs (couple of partners or couple of friends) and make different activities together. Launched in the end of 2015 and still in funding stage, the application is already available in the Apple store. Right now Double dating is available just in Chinese but you'll never know how it will be in the future.

The concept is pretty simple, the activities are divided by categories, from going to movie to have an holiday, a dinner or going to the gym, timing and prices of the activity (no on line payment) if someone has already created them and a page where you can create your own activity. You just need to find a partner or a friend (by wechat or your address book) and ask her or him to join you in the pair, then the game is on. You can book you "double date" with the other pairs that want to join the event. At the end of the day you will find yourself, if the activity is good, probably not just with a pair but with other pairs of people coming (like in the pictures below related to an holiday). The application is available in all China.

The application contain :

1. Sign up via wechat or phone number to create a profile

2. Invite friends to pair up with you and be your ‘Doubler’. You can have as many Doublers as you want.

3. Create a new activity or join one that is already on line

4. Book and send private message to the other pairs

5. Post pictures of the double dating


5) In the internet and smartphone era also the super romantic concept of time capsule become an APP. Liunian (coming from the WECARE team) was created to help people capture their emotions at a particular moment in time through video, and to send these videos to friends, family members, or even to oneself at a future date to evoke heartfelt emotions by the recipient. It is simple to use requiring just a few short minutes to create and send a video to a future date.

The application contain :

***Create Video Memory***

  1. Up to a 2 minute video

  2. Up to 60 videos per month

  3. Select recipient from contact list or by adding an email address or phone number

  4. Select a future video delivery date up to 5 years in the futures

  5. Recipients view videos via web link provided by SMS and email notifications, or directly inside app

  6. First video is free, subsequent videos are 6 RMB to store and deliver

To download the application you can use theQR code. It will bring you directly to the link in the Apple or Android store depending on your device.

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